Dialogues With Great Photographers – Sandy Skoglund

Enter the surreal world of Sandy Skoglund’s photography, where food, animals, and repetition converge to create captivating narratives. Delve into the layers of meaning behind her works, from the whimsical Dogs on the Beach to the poignant symbolism of The Wedding. Explore how Skoglund balances her individual vision with collaborative efforts in constructing elaborate sets that bridge the gap between three-dimensional reality and two-dimensional art.

Jamie Baldridge, A Ten-Penny Prophet

Dialogues With Great Photographers – Jamie Baldridge

Step into the fantastical realm of Jamie Baldridge’s photography, where storytelling and surrealism converge. Delve into his journey from odd photographic jobs to creating intricate narratives, fueled by a fascination with theology and the absurdity of life. Explore the alchemy of his process, blending digital construction with studio photography to craft images that captivate and challenge perceptions.

Bruce Mozert, Silver Springs Underwater (magic carpet holding hands)

Bruce Mozert

Bruce Mozert’s imaginative underwater photography captured a bygone era and a unique time in not…

Dialogues With Great Photographers – Dana Gluckstein

Embark on a journey with Dana Gluckstein as she shares the profound inspiration behind her captivating portraits of Indigenous Peoples. From her childhood surrounded by cultural artifacts to her pivotal moments with spiritual teachers and mentors, Gluckstein reveals the essence of her artistic calling. Explore the collision of cultures and the preservation of ancient identities through her lens, fostering connections and advocating for human dignity worldwide.